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Information for first-aiders (Ersthelfer)

You helped someone in an emergency situation. We would like to express our appreciation and thanks for your courageous efforts.

If you were physically injured as a result of your assistance, if your property was damaged or if you need support in coming to terms with what you have experienced, you were protected by the statutory accident insurance: The Unfallkasse Berlin (German social accident insurance institution for the public sector in Berlin) is there for you!

The Unfallkasse protects people who perform special services in the public interest. If you provided assistance in Berlin, the Unfallkasse Berlin is the right contact for you.

Insured for assistance – first-aid card (Ersthelferkarte)

If you have received a first-aid card from the fire brigade, the police or the emergency services after providing assistance: The information on the card makes it easier for us to provide you with assistance more quickly if you need it. 

Please keep the first-aid card in a safe place.

Help for victims of violence

Special protection is provided by the Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (German social accident insurance) for people who have suffered harm as first responders. Victims of violent acts may be entitled to compensation under the Crime Victims Compensation Act - OEG. In Berlin, this is the responsibility of the Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales (Berlin State Office for Health and Social Affairs - LAGeSo).

Information for victims of violence